Tuesday 21 December 2010

'Your Tour Bus is on FIRE'

It is with great regret and anguish that I have to report the reason that I have been so slack in writing new posts in the last couple of days. It would've all been to some avail as I've been away in London and would've written a live review on Kings Of Leon at the O2 Arena tonight but alas that cannot be. You may or may  not be aware but the gig went up in smoke, literally. The gig has had to be postponed until an as such unknown date, as two of their tour buses caught fire and due to endless safety procedures they did not have enough time to rig the venue leaving 20,000 fans distraught. 
I will write the review when I see them but as I said I don't know yet when that will be. Until then I will carry on as usual with the Revolution and celebrate the music that needs it.

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