Wednesday 27 April 2011

Track Of The Week

This week's track goes to The Wombats with 'Anti-D'. It's an interesting song that’s unique in its simplicity; it doesn't build up to huge crescendos but rather revels in its understated beauty. Revolving entirely around the lyrics and vocals that are helped along by the drums, guitar and symphony undertones which accentuate the emotions perfectly.
The first thing that caught my attention in this song were the clever lyrics where he sings to “Please allow me to be your anti-depressant. I too am prescribed as freely as any decongestant". Then after listening to it a few more times (well maybe non-stop for a few days...) the whole song comes together to reveal the true genius of it!

Thursday 21 April 2011

Your Highness Film Review

So in a much more successful foray to the cinema this week I saw the latest comedic offering from David Gorden Green, the director behind the brilliant Pineapple Express; so my expectations were naturally high, no pun intended. This film had so much promise; a host of talented actors such as James Franco, Danny McBride and Natalie Portman, a seemingly huge budget which not enough comedies have and, as previously mentioned, created and directed by the same people who brought one of my favourite comedy films ever into this world.
The big question however is if the film lived up to its own potential and if I'm brutally honest it didn't. It wasn't nearly as good as it could've been but conversely it wasn't terrible either as many reviews have made it out to be. It's been labelled as crass and crude but that's what it's meant to be; unashamedly stupid. You don't go to a film like this expecting to have your thoughts provoked or ideas challenged. It exists to be watched whilst using absolutely no brain power and to laugh at idiotic characters and plots; which it does.
It doesn't have as much wit, if any, behind any of the humour or layers of comedy which would elevate it from an idiotic medieval stoner film to a genuinely great comedy but it is fairly entertaining and makes for very easy watching. The tale doesn't increase and evolve into a hilarious crescendo like it did in Pineapple Express but there are a few laugh out loud moments, maybe not enough, but they are there.
The best thing about this film, for me, was James Franco hilarious parody of the perfect, perky Prince Fabious and I would recommend this film to someone who simply wants to relax and release their inner child to laugh at all of the euphemisms, of which there are plenty. However I can say without a shadow of a doubt that  there are definitely other comedies I would recommend over this because it did somewhat miss the mark. 

Friday 15 April 2011

Track of the Week

This week's track goes to Arctic Monkey's shock release of their first single from their fourth album 'Suck It and See' which is called 'Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair'.  To cut to the chase I love this song! It's, as usual for the Arctic's, characterised by Alex Turner's effortlessly witty lyrics which when coupled with their innovative yet timeless rock music makes for some incredible songs. I cannot wait for their album as they seem to be truly back on rocking form!

Monday 11 April 2011

Sucker Punch Film Review

So I recently saw Sucker Punch. I know it doesn't really seem like my type of film but sometimes events conspire to force you to broaden your horizons and watch something you usually wouldn't. Although the before mentioned events were a mix up with tickets (we were originally going to see 'Source Code') and a complete and utter lack of using our eyes on said tickets where we managed to successfully read the screen, time and seat but not the incorrect name of the film that we were going to see. We were therefore thoroughly surprised when, after sitting through the adverts, the BBFC informed us that we were in fact about to watch 'Sucker Punch', a film neither of us had been particularly interested in seeing.
However realising that the mishap was almost exclusively our fault and laughing in hysterics, much to the displeasure of our fellow cinema goers, at our own idiocy we decided we may as well watch it. Having decided this we watched it with an open mind and hoped that maybe this utter fail of going to the cinema would maybe reward us with a surprising treat of a great film we wouldn't have seen otherwise.
We were wrong.
I did not like this film; at all. For starters the plot was overly complicated, not in an interesting thought provoking way but in a lets just find an excuse to dress our characters as sluttily as possible and make them fight anything we want under the guise of a coherent narrative. I'm still not entirely sure what was happening, I think it was a delusion within a delusion that all took place in a 1950's mental health institution. Simple right?
Aside from the plot that had huge consistency errors there was the fact that the film all revolved around a completely unlikable and bland protagonist of 'Baby Doll'. You were watching her fight for freedom but had absolutely no emotional investment in the story at all. All of the characters were stereotypical and uninteresting with the few vaguely entertaining ones being killed or not having much screen time at all.
Oh and then, best of all, there were the CGI heavy, action sequences where 'Baby Doll' escapes to (and obtains the necessary items to ensure their escape) when she has to dance in the brothel that is also a delusion to escape the horror of the asylum. See such an accessible storyline. I dreaded these action sequences. They dragged on and on and had no real reason behind them at all but to get girls wearing not a lot to wield huge weapons and kill everything all under the most strenuous of metaphors. Every time I tried to interpret meaning and uncover depth to this film I came up with nothing. To be fair they were beautifully choreographed and had some visionary sequences within but even the most well made fights mean nothing if there is not an interesting enough plot for them to be part of.
Admittedly I am not the target audience of this film being a teenage girl but I can appreciate good films whether they are aimed at men or women but the best films surely have a mix of both and are universal. I think this film can only be enjoyed if you possess the Y chromosome, however saying that my friend, who is the target audience, also thoroughly disliked it. This film could be said to be empowering to women as it revolves completely around female characters but their portrayal within it is to be objectified and idolised by men instead of being viewed as real people.
So all in all I would surprisingly not recommend this film unless you are an archetypal man who just wants to see scantily clad women kill things.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Submarine Film Review

'Submarine' is the much acclaimed coming-of-age comedy which is the directorial debut of 'The ITCrowd's' Richard Ayoade. Going to see it yesterday I had huge expectations; it's directed by a superbly funny actor, has had rave reviews and the soudntrack has been created by 'Arctic Monkey's' Alex Turner so would therefore surely be fantastic. And since watching it I can happily say that my mammoth expectations weren't let down at all.
It was thoroughly charming and did something that not nearly enough films do lately; revelled in the sheer beauty of film. The filmmaking process by it's nature provides countless opportunities to create art through developing  new and dynamic ways of portraying limitless characters, places, themes and stories and what makes a film truly great is when the film makers explore these possibilities which is exactly what this film does. No shot is wasted or thoughtlessly used. It's reminiscent of French art house films and is distinctly 60's-esque and if I had to compare it to another film maker’s work I would say its most like Wes Anderson's.
The protagonist is wonderfully odd and the narrative follows his first relationship with the pyromaniac Jordana Beavens and his quest to be the best boyfriend ever and keep his parents lacklustre relationship together. The whole film is sublimely weird and focuses on a sub section of society of beautifully eccentric people which is made by the brilliant performances, not just from the young stars, but from the whole cast. Especially from the actors who play Oliver's parents who ground the film and allow every ounce of humour to be extracted from each scene.
Quite simply I love this film; it's beautiful, touching, witty and quirky. I would recommend this film to anyone who likes different and interesting films.

Also as a side note the soundtrack to this film is astounding and perfectly accentuates the scenes it's used in as well as being great songs in their own right and are definitely worth listening to.

Monday 4 April 2011

Track of the Week

This weeks track of the week goes to Miles Kane's new single 'Rearrange'. As those who read this blog regularly will know I'm a fan of Kane's work so when I saw that he'd released a new single I was excited to hear what it sounded like hoping for another great song, and since listening to it, I can happily say that's exactly what it is. With a distinctly 60's vibe and very Beetle-esque it's a catchy happy song that will easily get stuck in your head and will be a joy to have playing in it.

Also as a side note some friends of mine are taking part in a foreign language song competition and have written a song in French and it's really impressive and they need as many votes in an online survey as possible so please  follow the link to youtube (embedding is disabled that's why the video isn't on here) and vote for them by following the link in the description box. Thanks!