Friday 31 December 2010

Top 5 TV Programs Of 2010

1-Doctor Who
Ok, so I admit it I am a mega nerd because among other reasons I love Doctor Who. It is an iconic program that's been going strong since the 60's and for good reason; it's limitless. Writers can create whole new galaxies, solar systems and planets and place their characters in whatever time zone they want. The only thing they need is imagination...and maybe a budget I guess.
I've watched it since it's return but it's with this series that I've really become a fan of it. I loved David Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor but I'm not the biggest fan of Russell T. Davies writing and my favourite episodes were always by guest writers especially Stephen Moffat so when I learnt that he'd be the head writer for the new series I was looking forward it, and it did not disappoint. Any and all reservations about both the writer and Matt Smith were swept away instantly. Beautifully written with twists, turns, themes, links throughout the series and full of character whilst also being effortlessly acted all of this series was revolutionary.  My favourite Doctor Who series to date and I cannot wait for the new series!

So I don't know if I mentioned but I am a Stephen Moffat fan girl who also loves the work of Mark Gatiss so what better than a series created by both of them. Although only three episodes long, even if each episode is 90 minutes, it was still far too short purely because you just didn't want them to end. Again expertly written and magnificently performed by the amazingly named Benedict Cumberbatch with a surprisingly brilliant performance from Martin Freeman it's just a great series. Also their take on Moriarty is fantastic as he's played by the disconcerting Andrew Scott and portrays an excellent psychopath. They've modernised Arthur Conan Doyle's creation and created a series that relates to today's world. It's captivating and holds real potential for the future series which I cannot wait for because they annoyingly left it on a cliffhanger.

This year misfits aired their second series and it was brilliant. This program is unashamed and seemingly without limits and that's what makes it great, where else could you find a show where one of the characters states that he's off to "kill Jesus". All the characters are flawed and outrageous and sometimes it feels like the writers try and make it as controversial as possible just for the sake of it but in this series they've made it more personable and are more caring towards the main characters developing them into more than one faceted people. As I said it's great.

4-Horrible Histories
No I haven't regressed or been possessed by a 10 year old I genuinely love this program. It may be for kids but it's pure comedic genius with performances from actors that crop up in many other programs such as Armstrong and Miller and Peep Shows. But mainly it looks like the most fun program to be part of because it seems like such a laugh. The songs are amazing and as catchy as the plague, which is often the content of it as well. The sketches are hilarious and this program is more loved by teenagers and adults than most children as they feel it's too childish but it's just incredible. Below is a song from the series.

5-IT Crowd
I am also a huge fan of Graham Linehams work and IT Crowd is another one of his hilarious series. This show has been going for years now and with their latest series they added more gems to the archive of brilliant episodes. With an electric cast of Chris O'Dowd, Richard Ayoade and Katherine Parkinson coupled with Linehams writing it's an extraordinary series.

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