Thursday 8 September 2011

Track Of the Week

This weeks track of the week is split between two songs becasue I honestly couldn't decide; it's shared between Florence and the Machine's 'What the Water Gave Me' and Red Hot Chilli Peppers' new track 'The Adventures of Raindance Maggie' which see's both artists return on top form.
'What the Water Gave Me' is a song that builds and builds until it soars into pure genius at the end with her trademark powerful vocals and harp but with a slightly earthier and grimier sound with more guiatrs than usual. A beautiful song that easily gets you moving to it and I can't wait to hear the rest of her new album.
'The Adventures of Raindance Maggie' is another classic Chilli's tune with an intoxicating chorus and fantastic guitar and bass work and the usual nonsensical lyrics. A great easy rock song to humm away to even if the video is a bit dubious with a little too much facial hair.


Tuesday 16 August 2011

Super 8 Film Review

For those unaware Super 8 is a retro sci-fi fest set in the late 70's in a small town with a big alien problem. The basic plot revolves around a group of teens on their quest to make their own creature feature and their discovery of an alien menace that gets released from a train crash...obviously. 
 There is no denying the fact that this film is cleverly written; it's witty, surprisingly funny and jam packed with references to all the Spielberg classics (except Jaws unfortunately) which gives the whole film a distinctly nostalgic feel. The actors perform brilliantly, especially the younger ones who exceeded all expectations and the characters had a surprising amount of emotional depth; you actually cared about what happened to them. But for all of the films good points, of which there are many, something felt lacking. When I think about it I'm left with no distinct impression of it; for all it's stunning visual effects and wit I'm left feeling nonplussed. Perhaps I'm simply the wrong audience for it or  maybe it was too wrapped up in the past which left it slightly stale either way it didn't wow me. 
Also just as a warning, for all of it's advertisement this film is not a creature feature. It's not about the alien at all really but instead about growing up and peoples ability to come together during hard times, forgive each other and move on to which the alien is really only the catalyst. So if you're wanting to watch a film about aliens or monsters this isn't it; this is a human tale. 
All in all this film is good and I would honestly recommend it to all sci-fi lovers for which it is undoubtedly a treat but for others maybe it's not the best option. 
Also look out for the kid's film at the end which was personally my favourite part of the film!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Track Of The Week

This weeks track goes to The Horrors with their hypnotic 'Still Life'. This is a spaced out and entrancing 80's sounding song that I have recently fallen in love with! The looping chorus truly makes this song and it slowly builds and builds into a song that you could happily listen to for hours on end. A fantastic song that shows that alternative music doesn't all have to be loud power chords and riffs.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Track Of The Week & Album Review

This track may have been released last week but I have been unable to post on my blog recently due to family holidays in corners of Cornwall which have thoroughly  refused to join the 21st Century and have wifi, however this song is still one of the best recent releases. This weeks track goes to Arctic Monkeys' 'Hellcat Spangled Shalalala' the latest single of their 4th album 'Suck It And See'. This song lives up to it's title opening with spangly guitars before being pulled back down with the earthy base and held together with Alex Turner's wonderfully witty lyrics.
 This song is indicative of their whole album. It's bursting with layers of different sounds and riffs which whilst being often complicated and intricate are not inaccessible to listeners, indeed they rather draw you into the record. Turners' charming lyrics hold this record together and, whilst not always being that easy to understand, are none the less beautifully crafted, intoxicating and pure northern genius! It also has a distinctly retro vibe which instead of seeming dated or unoriginal draws inspiration from the past whilst creating something innovative and fresh.
In short this album is beyond increible! When you listen to it you feel like you're hearing something momentous; something akin to a masterpiece. It's closely linked to previous albums with the punch of their first two, the confident crooning of the third and the skill that comes with experience and age without any of the things that've hampered them in the past such as the impersonal lyrics of 'Humbug'. It seems like within this album the band has rediscovered their humour and lightened up which has allowed their music to evolve into it's full potential.
I sincerely recommend this album to anyone who appreciates alternative rock/ any rock at all. It's a treat to listen to and is one of my all time favourite albums.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Horrible Histories Latest Series

Ok, so just to be clear on this before you read the rest of this post, I haven't gone mental or regressed to a child but one of the best programmes on TV has been the hilarious Horrible Histories! They are currently airing their  third series and with each new forray into the historical backwaters that the history books prefer to gloss over it becomes more and more wonderful.
This show is not just for kids. Bursting with witty sketchs and rib achingly funny comedic performances from the entire cast; this series needs to be watched by all!
My personal highlight of the series are the fabulously silly yet downright genius songs which are, if you pardon the pun, as catchy as the plague and will having you singing along with the like of Charles the 2nd and Dick Turpin the Highwayman.
The latest series is on every Tuesday afternoon on CBBC or you can find them all on Iplayer and their spin off series hosted by Steven Fry instead of the annoying rat is on every Sunday on BBC1.
Below is the dangerously funny Dick Turpin/parody of Adam Ants 'Highwayman' song; enjoy!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Track Of The Week

So this week's instalment goes to Mona with 'Shooting The Moon'. This song has grown on me from one that I wouldn't necessarily leave on if it popped up on the music channels to one I actively seek out. The more you listen to it the more intoxicating the chorus becomes and the more you love it!

Thursday 30 June 2011

Track Of The Week

This weeks track goes to the mighty White Lies with 'Holy Ghost'. I will admit I'm not the most biased person when it comes to this band because they are still the best band I have seen live to date so when they release a new single it's no surprise it will then become my track of the week. However speaking purely as an indie lover this song is good! It's got their trademark moody lyrics and ominously deep singing as well as some beautifully distorted bass. Hope you like it!