Friday 31 December 2010

Top 5 Artists of 2010

1-Kings Of Leon
My top artist of the year without a doubt. After the global success of their previous album 'Only By The Night' the pressure really was on with their latest album. They had to deliver an album that needed to not alienate new fans or old; so in short create something that stays true to their style but still produces hits that would be similar to previous ones. However if too many songs were like 'Sex on Fire' then they would be accused of selling out and if they were no hits then they would loose all their new fans. A real challenge.
But a challenge they rose to. Their latest album doesn't feel contrive or like they were trying to create another 'Only By The Night' but made a record that they could be proud of. It's most reminiscent of 'Because Of The Times' their third album but is more laid back and chilled out. It's simply a great album that fits in beautifully with their other work and a welcome addition to their catalogue of great albums.
Reaching number one in numerous countries they are indeed mainstream but have achieved this success at no loss to the music; the mainstream has come to them not the other way round. They've been incredibly successful but shouldn't be persecuted for that as it's just a testament to their music, even if their videos leave a lot to be desired.
Their new album coupled with extensive touring and performing to their usual high standard makes them my top artist of 2010.

 2-Biffy Clyro
With the release of their fifth album in late 2009 with 'Only Revolutions' Biffy are another example of an alternative rock band that has almost inexplicably found itself in the mainstream. Reaching number three in the UK charts it was their most successful album to date. Backing up this fantastic album they've been touring for almost the whole year performing to thousands and it's a true testament to the band that they can fill arenas with their unique brand of rock which can often be fairly heavy and inaccessible to many people but that they've still managed to translate.
Breaking almost all conventions and staying true to their music they've had their most successful year and have rocked 2010. 

As well as celebrating bands that have made it big some of my top bands are ones that have only just started. Foals released their second studio album 'Total Life Forever' in May of this year and produced a brilliant record. Following their first ambitious album they've created a tender and complex record with many different facets; powered by their drums with explosions of guitars and strings.
I've heard Foals described as anti-pop and I agree, they don't try to fit the norm, however you do sometimes feel that they try a little too hard to be different but this album in nonetheless one of my favourite this year. Short-listed for the Mercury Prize Foals have proved that the initial buzz about this Oxford quintet was well deserved.  

4-Young Guns
Another less well known band in my top five is Young Guns who released their début album earlier this year and produced a beast of a rock record. For a band so young they've been incredibly successful and have been championed by Kerrang since their EP 'Mirrors' was released last year. Their album is a conventional rock album but has a tenderness at the heart of it surrounded by the crashing drums and wailing guitars and I think it's that which makes this album so good and the band so accessible.
They've also been touring throughout the year and played a surprisingly well received set at Reading and Leeds festival to thousands.
This year has thrust them into their sort of fame and all that remains to be seen is if they can continue growing and creating more great albums.

5-My Chemical Romance
Four years after the release of their previous album 'The Black Parade' My Chem are back with their new album 'Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys' and with it they've revolutionised their whole aesthetic. Instead of being depressive and emo-esque now they're colourful and just a little poppy and sound like they're having the most fun they've had on an album. Being played constantly it's obvious most of their fans have embraced the change and they are hugely successful and have had a great year. 

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