Sunday 12 December 2010

Something Refreshingly Depressive-Joy Division

In case all of this festive spirit is a bit oppressive as it can be because it dictates that any negative emotions are not acceptable this time of year this post is about a band that embraces all that is negative; Joy Division. There is nothing wrong with listening to depressing music if it makes you happy and it is often just the thing when you need something that creates the right ambience to let your own emotions play out.
Joy Division were an English rock band that formed in 1976 in Manchester and consisted of Ian Curtis, Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook and Stephen Morris. They were influenced by the Punk movement and instead of replicating it they let it influence their style whilst they created something new by using the energy of punk but adding a more melancholy feel to it.
Their songs are powered by the bass and drums supported by Ian's gloomy deep voice as he sings heartfelt but depressed lyrics such as "love will tear us apart". Their rhythmic and often slightly monotonous, in a captivating way instead of a dull way, and when you listen to their songs you immerse yourself in them.
Their story is a sad one though as in 1980 Ian Curtis committed suicide due to among other reasons a   crumbling marriage and problems with epilepsy. The remaining band members went on to form a new band called 'New Order' who had a successful career in their own right.
Joy Division have hugely impacted the world of modern music today influencing hundreds of bands such as The Killers, Editors, U2 and The Cure.
Please check out the videos below and I hope they offer, just as the post title says, something refreshingly depressive. Also if you like them please check out some of their other work.

As a side note if you like this band and even if you don't you should check out the film 'Control' which is a black and white biographical film about Ian Curtis that was made in 2007 and stars Sam Riley and Samantha Morton. It's an incredible indie film with some memorable performances especially form the two actors named above made even more impressive as it was Sam Riley's first major role. This film will make you cry but that only proves how masterfully it's been created as it portrays real people and makes the audience care about them. Also the actors who play the band members all learnt how to play their instruments and were so good and believable that in the film it's their versions of the songs used instead of recordings of Joy Divisions. It's an amazing film that should definitely be seen but sadly hasn't been as much as it should have done.

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