Tuesday 16 August 2011

Super 8 Film Review

For those unaware Super 8 is a retro sci-fi fest set in the late 70's in a small town with a big alien problem. The basic plot revolves around a group of teens on their quest to make their own creature feature and their discovery of an alien menace that gets released from a train crash...obviously. 
 There is no denying the fact that this film is cleverly written; it's witty, surprisingly funny and jam packed with references to all the Spielberg classics (except Jaws unfortunately) which gives the whole film a distinctly nostalgic feel. The actors perform brilliantly, especially the younger ones who exceeded all expectations and the characters had a surprising amount of emotional depth; you actually cared about what happened to them. But for all of the films good points, of which there are many, something felt lacking. When I think about it I'm left with no distinct impression of it; for all it's stunning visual effects and wit I'm left feeling nonplussed. Perhaps I'm simply the wrong audience for it or  maybe it was too wrapped up in the past which left it slightly stale either way it didn't wow me. 
Also just as a warning, for all of it's advertisement this film is not a creature feature. It's not about the alien at all really but instead about growing up and peoples ability to come together during hard times, forgive each other and move on to which the alien is really only the catalyst. So if you're wanting to watch a film about aliens or monsters this isn't it; this is a human tale. 
All in all this film is good and I would honestly recommend it to all sci-fi lovers for which it is undoubtedly a treat but for others maybe it's not the best option. 
Also look out for the kid's film at the end which was personally my favourite part of the film!

1 comment:

  1. i love the movies of supernaturel power it makes me feel there 's somthing moore to descovr in this life
