Thursday 21 April 2011

Your Highness Film Review

So in a much more successful foray to the cinema this week I saw the latest comedic offering from David Gorden Green, the director behind the brilliant Pineapple Express; so my expectations were naturally high, no pun intended. This film had so much promise; a host of talented actors such as James Franco, Danny McBride and Natalie Portman, a seemingly huge budget which not enough comedies have and, as previously mentioned, created and directed by the same people who brought one of my favourite comedy films ever into this world.
The big question however is if the film lived up to its own potential and if I'm brutally honest it didn't. It wasn't nearly as good as it could've been but conversely it wasn't terrible either as many reviews have made it out to be. It's been labelled as crass and crude but that's what it's meant to be; unashamedly stupid. You don't go to a film like this expecting to have your thoughts provoked or ideas challenged. It exists to be watched whilst using absolutely no brain power and to laugh at idiotic characters and plots; which it does.
It doesn't have as much wit, if any, behind any of the humour or layers of comedy which would elevate it from an idiotic medieval stoner film to a genuinely great comedy but it is fairly entertaining and makes for very easy watching. The tale doesn't increase and evolve into a hilarious crescendo like it did in Pineapple Express but there are a few laugh out loud moments, maybe not enough, but they are there.
The best thing about this film, for me, was James Franco hilarious parody of the perfect, perky Prince Fabious and I would recommend this film to someone who simply wants to relax and release their inner child to laugh at all of the euphemisms, of which there are plenty. However I can say without a shadow of a doubt that  there are definitely other comedies I would recommend over this because it did somewhat miss the mark. 

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